9 research outputs found

    Application of Hybrid Agents to Smart Energy Management of a Prosumer Node

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    We outline a solution to the problem of intelligent control of energy consumption of a smart building system by a prosumer planning agent that acts on the base of the knowledge of the system state and of a prediction of future states. Predictions are obtained by using a synthetic model of the system as obtained with a machine learning approach. We present case studies simulations implementing different instantiations of agents that control an air conditioner according to temperature set points dynamically chosen by the user. The agents are able of energy saving while trying to keep indoor temperature within a given comfort interval

    Tight Bounds on the Cumulative Profit of Distributed Voters

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    In this paper we study the problem of making distributed decisions with the goal of maxim izing a given utility function. We show that a set of voters can make, via an election, a nearly optimal decision even if the knowledge about the utility function is kept distributed among the voters. Given a set of candidate decisions, we assume that each voter knows, for each candidate, how much he or she would profit if this candidate were elected, and we make no assumptions whatsoever about his or her knowledge of the other voters' profits. We then present a distributed voting strategy whereby the voters, knowing only the range of the profits (the same range is assumed for all voters), can elect a candidate that nearly maximizes the cumulative profit. We also show that no other voting strategy can do significantly better than ours for a worst-case assignment of profits to the voters

    Application of Hybrid Agents to Smart Energy Management of a Prosumer Node.

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    We outline a solution to the problem of intelligent control of energy consumption of a smart building system by a prosumer planning agent that acts on the base of the knowledge of the system state and of a prediction of future states. Predictions are obtained by using a synthetic model of the system as obtained with a machine learning approach. We present case studies simulations implementing different instantiations of agents that control an air conditioner according to temperature set points dynamically chosen by the user. The agents are able of energy saving while trying to keep indoor temperature within a given comfort interval

    FRIENDLY & KIND with your health: Human-friendly knowledge-INtensive dynamic systems for the e-health domain

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    This paper presents our approach for addressing \u201cHuman-friendly Knowledge-INtensive Dynamic Systems\u201d (FRIENDLY & KIND systems) from a methodological point of view, also providing tools and languages for their design, implementation and testing. FRIENDLY & KIND systems are an evolution of multiagent systems and represent a good option for engineering complex and dynamic applications like those in the e-Health domain. We will demonstrate the suitability of our approach by designing and implementing a Remote Monitoring System for oncological patients

    Additional file 6: Table S6. of Bioinformatics approach to predict target genes for dysregulated microRNAs in hepatocellular carcinoma: study on a chemically-induced HCC mouse model

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    Most significant functional groups obtained from clusterization process by Genemania, regarding 33 secondary genes, most closely related to liver cancer (FDR ≤0.05). Excel table presenting the 14 most significant cluster extracted by Genemania after selection of the 33 secondary genes. The table shows the false discovery rate and the gene coverage for each cluster. (XLSX 11 kb

    Reasoning on Relations, Modalities, and Sets

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    This survey discusses the interplay among unquantified re- lational logics, propositional modal logics, and set theories. To set up a common ground, cross-translation methods among languages commonly used to work with relations, modalities, and sets, are revisited. This pa- per also reports on many experiments aimed at providing automated support for reasoning based on the calculus of dyadic relations